• AMI approved
  • Unequalled beauty
  • Precise control of error
  • Exact isolation of one quality
  • Perfect interrelations

Exploring English for Lower and Upper Elementary

Exploring English comes in a wooden chest with five drawers containing tasks that allow the children to get going independently. The drawers contain wooden boxes with plastic lids, and a box with plastic cards that show the exercise for the child.

  • Groundwork

    First of all children need to have a stable foundation of the English language. For this purpose an extensive groundwork section has been developed. Two drawers of the cabinets for lower and upper elementary are completely filled with grammar activities.

  • 3 perspectives

    Exploring English contains 3 perspectives: About meAround me and The world around me. These 3 perspectives are divided in several themes, like: animals, food, emotions, time, curiosity.  A great variety of materials are available: word boxespicture boxesvariationsinnovationsgrammarexplorations and boxes with sentences and dialogues.

  • Lower Elementary

    Explorations are available in boxes and cards for each theme for the middle school level.orations are available in boxes and cards for each theme for the middle school level.

  • Upper Elementary

    Explorations are available in boxes and cards for each theme for the senior school level.

Watching and listening
Here are ideas for practising English. Did you know that the best way to learn is by doing something? You learn more by doing something yourself than by only watching and listening to a film. So don’t spend too much time on the Internet.

Where to buy exploring English?

  • Germany, Austria and Switzerland

    Are you from Germany, Austria or Switzerland? Please visit nienhuis.com/de to buy the Exploring English products.

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  • Other European countries

    All other European countries please visit heutink.com to buy the Exploring English products.

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  • Mid & South America

    Are you from Mid or South America? Please visit heutink.com to buy the Exploring English products.

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