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New: Exploring English

Exploring English is a complete curriculum meant to learn English as a foreign language. It is a material to learn English, to do English and to experience English. This curriculum has been developed from the ‘learning by doing’ perspective and contains a lot of Montessori elements. It starts from the principle that children have the intrinsic desire to learn. With the right guidance and the right environment they will learn to express themselves in the English language. 

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Why Storytelling in the Classroom Matters

What is "storytelling"? Telling stories, of course! There are so many diverse, wonderful, and sometimes overwhelming ways to do this. What I want to explore is traditional, oral storytelling, which has been a part of human life since we first left Africa 200,000 or more years ago. Perhaps storytelling was the reason language developed in the first place, as our minds began to inquire, wonder, think.

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